Our digital solutions allow you to optimise discovery and log evidence automatically - all within minutes.

Reconstructing evidence is a time-consuming process that poses the risk of neglecting essential information. Our highly integrated data systems significantly reduce this effort and aid investigators in the detection of evidence, buried across different devices.

Our digital case folders allow you to receive and streamline case evidence electronically. This enables timely access to case evidence, while efficiently collaborating with investigators who are building cases.

Users can harness search functions and filters to retrieve cases and evidence instantly, as opposed to manually searching through file cabinets, databases, and folders. Evidence and notes can be coherently visualised on a timeline to form a coherent narrative, using bookmarks in video and audio recordings.

Our Prosecutor Portal allows you to manage resources, time, and costs more efficiently by enabling you to receive and share digital evidence electronically. This integrates our virtual hearing services, creating one seamless digital courtroom experience.



Machine learning and AI can draw reliable and secure correlations to provide leads and reduce discovery-time for digital evidence. With access to first-hand accounts, arson reports, and officer insights, our intelligent analytics can examine investigative data for connections among suspects, cases, and incidents. Police are able to develop lines of inquiry, assign investigative tasks, and collaborate both internally and across agencies.

Video Evidence Management

Video clips are offered into evidence in various formats, codecs, and proprietary players. Our solution automatically transcodes proprietary video for playback on a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, using an industry-standard media player. You can synchronize video from CCTV, ATM and in-car cameras, body-worn devices, and audio recordings for playback.

Electronic Sharing For Discovery

Share discovery in a simple, secure, and transparent manner. Our system allows you to track exactly what was shared, to maintain a complete chain of custody.

Workflow Optimisation

Our system reduces the amount of time required to source proprietary codecs and players when piecing together narratives and timelines.


Our digital solutions allow you to optimise discovery and log evidence automatically - all within minutes.

Evidence Preservation

Our solution automatically creates working copies of video recordings, while retaining the original versions.

Safeguard Digital Evidence ON CLOUD

Store and access shared cases and digital evidence using Microsoft’s Azure Government Platform. This platform is compliant with the FBI’s CJIS security policies to ensure the integrity and security of the information.

Chain Of Custody Storage

Using our digital solutions can be harnessed to establish the admissibility of evidence in court. Our solutions allow you to view the chain of custody event logs online, or to print them as proofs, for confirmation that files have not been altered. This allows you to optimise tracking processes while reducing overall costs.

Digital Evidence Redaction

We empower law enforcement agencies by swiftly redacting sensitive, personally identifiable, and compromising information from audio and video evidence to be shared within existing workflows. With its AI-powered, all-in-one approach, our solution is an equipment-agnostic solution enabling users to upload audio and video evidence from a local computer or cloud repository. Once uploaded, users can open redaction projects for specific evidence files to enable automatic head detection. Detected heads populate in previewable lists for user validation, thereby significantly reducing the manual review of evidence. In addition, users can define additional sensitive items, appearing in the evidence for automatic tracking, for redaction throughout the video or audio file at a single timestamp.

Next Solution
Hybrid Hearings for Courts